Becoming Resilient with Justin Noppe
Becoming Resilient with Justin Noppe
The hidden danger of taking on 30 day challenges

The hidden danger of taking on 30 day challenges

And what you can do about it

*10 day fitness challenge * 30 day health challenge * 75 Hard *

Listen and hear some ideas that may help you side step issues!

It has become normal to see these types of challenges popping up on social media.
I’m not even thinking of the challenges like “100 push ups a day” as they are easily seen to be seen as too taxing as people go from zero to hero in the blink of an eye!

No, I’m talking about group efforts of communities trying to do things together. Usually done by those of us who are desperate to change and think using a group may skyrocket our change.

The danger? Our failure reinforcing our beliefs about ourselves. It can be crippling!!

Thank you for reading Neuro Resilience by Justin Noppe. This post is public so feel free to share it.


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Becoming Resilient with Justin Noppe
Becoming Resilient with Justin Noppe
Upgrade your brain, upgrade your life!