Becoming Resilient with Justin Noppe
Becoming Resilient with Justin Noppe
The quote that would have changed my life

The quote that would have changed my life

and my 2 cents worth on it.

Quotes are like a$$holes. Everybody has one. Nothing that I think is more tacky than someone on social media posting their own quotes as if they were a famed philosopher 😂🤦‍♂️! Don’t get me wrong, I have done it. Yes, and how I did was attribute my quote to someone else or label it as unknown 🤣.

BUT this quote, something about it hit different. Listen to find out more.

Thank you for reading Neuro Resilience by Justin Noppe. This post is public so feel free to share it.


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Becoming Resilient with Justin Noppe
Becoming Resilient with Justin Noppe
Upgrade your brain, upgrade your life!