The Seven Levels of Energy model offers a transformative framework for shifting from victimhood to a state of absolute opportunity and purpose. This course explores each energy level, from feeling powerless to embracing collaborative potential, and aims to elevate your mindset, enhance personal growth, and achieve greater life satisfaction. By understanding and harnessing these energy levels, you'll learn to navigate challenges, foster meaningful connections, and see the universe's broader purpose, ultimately empowering you to live a more fulfilled and impactful life
Lesson 1: A Brief Introduction
In this track, we will go through a brief overview of the 7 Levels Of Energy and the associated thoughts, feeling and actions/behaviors attached to each level. We also introduce the concept of catabolic and anabolic energy and how it relates to the model of energy.
Lesson 2: The Catabolic Energy Levels
In this track, we go over the catabolic energy levels of level 1 and level 2. We go through the thoughts and beliefs that can create these levels as well as the emotions that come out of us. The associated actions and behaviors are discussed too. Remember that each energy level has a purpose.
Lesson 3: The Bridging Levels
In this track we go through what are called "The Bridging Levels", that is the levels which are a mixture between the truly catabolic and truly anabolic levels. These levels are the ones where we are slowly taking control and connecting with our positive emotions. Finding ways to reconcile our life with the circumstances unravelling around us!
Lesson 4: The Anabolic Levels
In this track, we finally examine the anabolic levels. The levels which are skillful to access and require our abilities to identify and reconcile the stimulus we receive from the universe in order to make peace and feel truly connected.
Lesson 5: Normal Life Energy VS Stress Response Energy
In this track, we investigate the concept of having 2 separate energy profiles: A normal day energy profile and a profile that is a stress response profile. When we are overwhelmed and trigger, we will activate the lower levels automatically. So what does this look like?
Lesson 6: Harmonizing Energy Levels
In this track we talk about how to shift between levels. It is an automatic innate quality inside us to move from higher levels to lower levels. However, it requires some measure of internal work and insight to move from lower levels to higher levels. What does that look like? What is its impact on our ego?
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