In this course, you will learn about the 10 Harmonies. Ten aspects of your life that, when in the right balance in relation to each other, give you a phenomenal foundation to mitigate stress and function at your best! Increased engagement, creativity, decision-making abilities, focus, and much more!
Part 1: The 5 Physical Harmonies
In this audio, we go into the 5 physical Harmonies. Breaking them into the 3 Major Harmonies and the 2 Minor Harmonies. We discuss what would be good places to start with each harmony as well as things that tend to get in the way of each harmony.
Part 2: The Mental Harmonies
Now we introduce the 5 Mental Harmonies. Same as before, 3 major and 2 minor. And again, as we have done, we discuss what are green flags, things to do to bring harmony to this aspect, and some red flags, things that throw these aspects out of harmony.
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